Carmilla: Audio Drama
Lifeline Theatre, Chicago, IL. October-November 2021. Directed by Scott Cummins.
Adaptor of the story by Sheridan Le Fanu.
Bunny’s Book Club
Lifeline Theatre, Chicago, IL. January 2020. Directed by Anthony Kayer.
Adaptor of the story by Annie Silvestro
Masque Macabre
Strawdog Theatre Company, Chicago, IL. October 4th-October 31st, 2018. Directed by Anderson Lawfer, Janet Howe, and Eli Newell.
Co-written with John Henry Roberts and Cara Beth Heath.
Carolina Cryptid
Cartage Theatre, Charlotte, NC. Directed by Brian Amidei.
Co-Playwright with Brian Amidei.
Boom Festival April 20-22nd, Charlotte, NC.
Odd Tales Touring, October 2018-June 2019.
Lester’s Dreadful Sweaters
Lifeline Theatre, Chicago, IL. March 19th-April 24th, 2016. Directed by Heather Currie.
Adaptor, and Co-Lyricist of the story by K.G. Campbell.
College of Dupage, Glen Ellyn, IL. October 8th-25th, 2015. Directed by Amelia Barrett.
Walkers vs. Runners
WildClaw Theatre, Chicago, IL. March 2014. Directed by Ele Matelan.
Thumbnail Lotharios.
“1001 Afternoons in Chicago”, Access Contemporary Music, Chicago, IL, July 2013. Directed by Anderson Lawfer and Michael Dailey.
Adaptor of the story by Ben Hecht.
Live Performance and rebroadcast on NPR. CD recording by ACM.
Remounted August 11th, 2019 for the Thirsty Ears Festival, Chicago, IL.
Schrodinger’s Box
Strawdog Theatre Company Hit Factory, Chicago, IL. April 2011. Remounted March 2013. Directed by Nic Dimond.
Cartage Theatre Odd Tales Sci-Fi Edition, Charlotte, NC. February 23rd-24th, 2018.
A Study in Emerald
WildClaw Theatre. Chicago, IL. September 2012. Directed by Jeff Christian.
Adaptor of the story by Neil Gaiman.
WildClaw Theatre, Chicago, IL. January 2011. Directed by Scott Cummins.
Full Upright Positions
Strawdog Theatre Company Hit Factory, Chicago, IL. March 2010. Directed by Sean Murray.
Jazzman of Jackson Square
Strawdog Theatre Company Hit Factory, Chicago, IL. November 2009. Directed by Hank Boland.
Cartage Theatre Odd Tales, Charlotte, NC. November 2017.
Stella Stargirl: A Serial Audio Adventure
Strawdog Theatre Company, Chicago, IL. Ongoing since 2009.
Cartage Theatre Odd Tales, Charlotte, NC. September 2018.